Santafun mini CTF2023

Now a lebrechaungroup called Lebr3c0rnz4mash hacked my PC and my head. Now I forgot the list, and now they have stolen my file. My beerlist is now lost in my memory and PC! and ransomed my Lebr3c0rnz4mash.
They have now published my favorite list on the internet as an image. A statement is now published stateing, that no human can read this.
" Hello
You have been h4ck3d by Lebr3c0rnz4mash
You have been on my naughty list and need to learn, your list of beer is for Leprechauns and not humans. Remember we invented the beer! The memory you have is now an image, and this image might contain some hidden evidence to get your memory back. Please bear in mind that I have been working secretly with GCHQ (Government Communications Headquarters) to obfuscate your mind. When carving your PC for your list, I might have hexed with the data. Remember I am a master and the best web encoder you have ever encountered, I know the web encryption out there used widely on the web.
If you want your memory back for you list of good beers, you have to pay 1 year of rice pudding or you can decode the image yourself. Else you lose your list of favorite beers and are forced to drink the human version of our beers, our version of a good glass of water.
You know the reward is great, namely your list of some of the best beers in the world.
or pay up SantaCoinz 1DL3brec0rnz4mashM4d3PhorKEA&Df4r "
Image below, that has been released.
santas little helper (PNG, 8.23 MB)
I need your help out there.
Thanks Lars
Why this?
This is a fun little exercise from my subject DFIR on KEA. Thought the rest of the world should benefit from this little exercise. As i am a beer enthusiast and enjoy a good beer especially here at Christmas time, then i wanted to share this in a fun way. There are so much good beer out there to enjoy, then this is my contribution to this. The Caveat is that its based on Danish and Belgian beers, how ever there are som much more to be explored.
As a bonus you get my favorite recipie for beer syrup :)
So it's also a small tribute to all the good brewmasters out there.
Merry christmas and a happy new year from me